The Utility of Uselessness

Don’t wonder how so many useless people got good academic jobs. Their uselessness was the attraction all along.

You know the type.  Drenched in white-collar affectations.  Never skips a social event.  Enamored of minor accomplishments.  Considers fastidiousness a form of rebellion.  Eggheaded, but in an arrogant rather than endearing way.  Talks a lot while saying nothing at all. 

This person is likely a professor at a prestigious university. 

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Betty McCollum Takes on the Israel Lobby

A close reading of “Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living under Israeli Military Occupation Act”

Betty McCollum (D-MN) recently introduced legislation, with (thus far) thirteen cosponsors and dozens of organizational endorsements, that has generated significant interest.  The main gist of the legislation is to condition U.S. aid to Israel on Israeli adherence to international human rights standards.  The interest derives in part from the fact that what can be considered “pro-Palestine” legislation is a rarity in the U.S. Congress.  McCollum is bucking the near-complete fealty to Israel customary among her House and Senate colleagues. 

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Palestine is not a Quagmire

The metaphors that attempt to render Palestine complicated obscure the simple brutality of Zionist colonization.

Palestine is not a minefield.  Palestine is not complicated.  Palestine is not a morass.  Palestine is not tricky.  Palestine is not a quagmire.  

Palestine is not almost impossible to navigate. 

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