Except for Palestine

Progressive Except for Palestine (PEP) is a myth. Adherence to Zionism inhibits comprehensive political decency.

Progressive except for Palestine, PEP (or PeP), is a familiar appellation.  Palestine solidarity activists have been using it for a long time to describe the kind of leftist who professes support for racial and economic justice without extending that concern to Palestinians.  In other words, the appellation describes standard-issue liberals in the metropole. 

In recent months a cognate has emerged:  feminist except for Palestine.  This species, often indistinguishable from the PEP, locates in settler colonization a space for women’s liberation.  In some cases, FEPs affirm Zionist civility by highlighting male barbarity among Israel’s enemies.  They have a cozy relationship with US intervention in backward regions of the globe and imagine that gender equality can be realized through Zionism.  Lately, they’ve been trying to rid the Women’s March of radical affectations. 

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